IML - IVV Cooperation Cup
Aim of the IML & IVV cooperation.
The aim of the IML and the IVV is the active and worldwide walking activity of people. Therefore, IML and IVV cooperate to promote the walking sport.
1. Rules and conditions of the common IVV & IML events.
•Every year there are maximum 6 common “IML & IVV – Cup” events. IML and IVV determine their organizers of the cup according to their own rules.
IVV will privilege Olympiads, Europiads and Asiapiads.
2. The common IML & IVV events must fulfil the following requirements:
•The event must last minimum 2 days.
•Every day a distance of 20 km must be offered; longer distances, e.g. marathon, can be offered. Different daily routes are desired.
•Walkers taking part in an IML & IVV event or in an IVV Europiad or in an IVV Asiapiad or in an IVV Olympiad can obtain an common IML & IVV IML stamp and / or award when completing at every day of minimum 20 km per day (10 km for aged over 70).
•Apart from the common IML & IVV stamp, if the event is an full member of IML, the usual IML stamp must also be given to the walkers in their IML passports and if the event is a full member of IVV, the usual IVV stamp must also be given to the walkers in their special IVV booklets.
3. IML & IVV – CUP Rules:
•The special record book for the cup can be bought at all organizers of an IML & IVV- Cup and at the head offices of both associations. If mailed, there is an additional shipping charge of 2 €.
•After the successful participation the common IML & IVV stamp is available for those participants with evidence of completing the last day of the event with up to date special record book complete with photograph. Only personally offered record books can be accepted and the photograph must be checked to ensure it matches the person offering the passport. If there is no photograph in the passport, the walker should be asked to put one in.
•When the walkers don’t have a record book, then they can buy one at the local authorities of the event.
•After completing the last day of the common IML & IVV event, walkers may purchase the common IML & IVV awards at the local authorities of the event.
IML - IVV Cooperation Cup Bronze medalje - tildeles efter deltagelse i fire IVV - IML fælles events.
IML - IVV Cooperation Cup Bronze medalje - Forside af medaljen
IML - IVV Cooperation Cup mærke
IML - IVV Cooperation Cup Sølv
medalje - tildeles efter deltagelse i tolv IVV - IML fælles events.
IML - IVV Cooperation Cup Sølv
medalje - Forside af medaljen
IML - IVV Cooperation Cup spange til IML medaljen - tildeles efter første gangs deltagelse i et fælles IML - IVV CUB event.
IVV Europiad spangen der tildeles efter deltagelse i en IVV Europiade.
IVV Olympiad spangen tildeles efter deltagelse i en IVV Olympiad.
IML - IVV Europiade 2022
Dette stævne blev afholdt i den Tyske by Kehl og nabo byen Strasbourg på den Franske side af Rihnen.
Der blev gennemført forskellige IVV disipliner, herunder muligheden for at deltage i vandre ture alle de fire dage Europiaden varede.
Kravet for at modtage Europiade spangen og IVV/IML stemplet var deltagelse i minst to dages vandring med minst 20 km pr dag.
IML - IVV Europiade 2022 mærke
IVV - IML Europiade spangen tildeles efter deltagelse i en IVV Europiade.
IML - IVV Olympiad 2023
Dette stævne blev afholdt i San Antonio i Texas USA.
Der blev gennemført forskellige IVV disipliner, herunder muligheden for at deltage i vandre ture alle de fem dage Olympiaden varede.
Kravet for at modtage Olympiad spangen og IVV/IML stemplet var deltagelse i minst fire dages vandring med minst 20 km pr dag.
IML - IVV Olympiad 2023 medalje
IVV - IML Olympiad spangen tildeles efter deltagelse i en IVV Olympiad.